Fancy-pants candy company Wild Ophelia has put out a
Barbeque Potato Chip candy bar. I love me some candy bar and I love me some BBQ
chips so I couldn’t wait to try it. It didn't even seem all that weird. Salty-sweet is a great junk food mix – movie
theater popcorn and M&Ms for example. It was only the barbecue
flavor element that I thought might screw it up. Turns out that wasn’t an issue
because I couldn’t taste the BBQ at all. Not a little bit. I couldn’t even
taste potato chip. Hell, I could barely taste the salt. Turns out the Wild Ophelia Barbecue Potato Chip candy bar just tastes like a dark chocolate Nestle Crunch bar.
Yep, I poured Hershey’s syrup over some BBQ Pop Chips. I can’t
say I wasn’t a little hesitant to try this concoction but, in the end, it was
pretty okay. Tasty, even. I mean, I’m not going to start eating all my chips this
way but the BBQ flavor didn’t hurt at all. It might have actually enhanced the
experience. I guess the biggest endorsement I can give Sullivan’s
Barbeque/Chocolate Potato Chips is that I only needed to eat one for the taste test but I finished the whole plate. Who’s wild now, Ophelia?